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Epta & KellyDeli, full-service sushi bar

Epta & KellyDeli, full-service sushi bar

Epta regards the development of cutting-edge technology and unheard-of configurations as a powerful competitive weapon, which draws its strength from the synergy between the complementary skills and expertise of the individual brands and the Group's Innovation Centre. The last  innovation is the “Full Service” solution, whereby Epta, jointly with KellyDeli, offers its clients a turnkey Sushi Corner, fully equipped for the preparation and sale of raw fish.

A solution that brings together culinary art performance and entertainment to offer the client an experience beyond a simple shopping trip. Epta is part of this trend and becomes a change-maker, articulating its offer for the creation of specialized corners in which sushi is prepared and sold. This concept has already harvested a very positive payback in terms of both store sales and client experience.

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