Remote Cabinets / NordicLine

NordicLine VF1 Luxo

Energy class *
Remote Cabinets / NordicLine

NordicLine VF1 Luxo

Energy class *
A high volume freezer cabinet serie with great product visibility and volume. NordicLine VF1 Luxo is designed with a efficient lighting, large glass doors and optional glass end panels culminate in a complete solution with increased product visibility at its core. NordicLine VF1 Luxo freezer is available with two models: classic full glass doors (NordicLine VF1) and as new model with twin doors (NordicLine VF1 TD), which refers to separate lower and upper door features.
  • Temperature: LT 
  • Class: 3L1
  • Cabinet type: vertical
Key benefits
  • Large glass doors ensure great product visibility
  • Effective lighting
  • Black door frames available as an option for improved product visibility
  • VF1 Luxo FGD and TD variants can be multiplexed together

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Frozen food and ice cream.jpg

Frozen Food and Ice cream

High efficiency fans.jpg

High efficiency fans

Led lighting.jpg

LED lighting



Remote condensing unit.jpg

Remote condensing unit



Medium and low temperature.jpg

Medium and low temperature

Hot gas defrosting.jpg

Hot-gas defrosting system

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Electric defrost

*The information on the energy class (according to EU regulations 2019/2018 and EU 2019/2024) reported here refers to standard models and precise product configurations and set-ups. The site is based on the information available at the time of publication. As the energy class depends on the specific product configuration, despite the efforts made to ensure the greatest possible accuracy, the real data can differ significantly from the data declared here. For further information, we invite you to consult the European Product Database for Energy Labelling (EPREL) or to contact our Sales Office.