Plug-in / Complementaries

Stage Inox

Energy class *
Plug-in / Complementaries

Stage Inox

Energy class *

New version, characterised by great transparency and excellent finishes. Stage Inox is made entirely of stainless steel, both internally and externally. This makes it particularly suited to display and preserve pre-packaged fish and more: it becomes a versatile tool for gastronomy, packaged meats, dairy products, fruit and vegetables and sandwiches.

The presence of a rear counter cover is ideal for the promotion of cross-selling. Display deck is tilted by 15° for improved product visibility. Flexible layout thanks to the possibility of coupling and back-to-back use. 

  • Temperature: MT
  • Class: 3M1 - 3M2
  • Cabinet type: Plug-in / Serve-over

stage inox

stage inox



Dairy products.jpg

Dairy products





Pesce Confezionato.jpg

Pre-packed fish

IV Gama.jpg

Pre-packed fruit and vegetables



High efficiency fans.jpg

High efficiency fans

Incorporated condensing unit.jpg

Incorporated condensing unit

Led lighting.jpg

LED lighting

Propane refrigerant gas (R290).jpg

Propane refrigerant gas (R290)



Hot gas defrosting.jpg

Hot-gas defrosting system

*The information on the energy class (according to EU regulations 2019/2018 and EU 2019/2024) reported here refers to standard models and precise product configurations and set-ups. The site is based on the information available at the time of publication. As the energy class depends on the specific product configuration, despite the efforts made to ensure the greatest possible accuracy, the real data can differ significantly from the data declared here. For further information, we invite you to consult the European Product Database for Energy Labelling (EPREL) or to contact our Sales Office.