Plug-in / NordicLine

NordicLine SV8 PI

Energy class *
Plug-in / NordicLine

NordicLine SV8 PI

Energy class *

​​Semi Vertical plug-in cabinets in open and closed version including shop-fitting possibilities. Ideal for Convenience, Minimarket, F&. Characterized by internal and external colour RAL 7016 anthracite grey matt. Automatic defrost water evaporation and fan assisted air-circulation. Chiller and Freezer version.

  • Temperature: MT-LT
  • Class: 3M0-3M1-3M2-3L1
  • Cabinet type: semivertical

Key benefits of SV8:

  • Large and attractive display surface area with wide range of models - see below
  • Ergonomic height for more comfortable shopping and for loading the goods
  • Designed for all product categories and for seasonal product offerings
  • Many flexible setups thank to the combination of refrigerated cabinets and dry-shelves
  • High quality cooling technology with natural refrigerant R290

SV8 model variants you can choose and combine:

  • Open chiller cabinets (600, 900 mm)
  • Chiller cabinets with doors (600, 900, 1200 mm)
  • Chiller cabinets with sliding doors (900, 1200 mm)
  • Corner cabinets left and right
  • Freezer cabinet (600 mm)
  • Freezer/Cooler cabinet (600 mm)
  • Half island
  • Full island
  • Back to back
  • Four different dry shelve types​

SV8 PI 60 140 C (2 shelves) Open

SV8 PI 60 140 C GD (2 shelves) Closed

SV8 PI 60 140 C GD (3 shelves) Closed

SV8 PI 60 140 C (3 shelves) Open

SV8 PI 60 140 FC GD_Freezer_Closed

SV8 PI 90 140 C (2 shelves) Open

SV8 PI 120 140 C GD (2 shelves) Closed

SV8 PI 90 140 C GD (3 shelves) Closed

SV8 PI 90 140 C GD (2 shelves) Closed

SV8 PI 120 140 C (2 shelves) Open

SV8 120 140 C GD 45R (3 shelves)

SV8 120 140 C GD 45L

SV8 120 140 C GD 45R

120 140 C GD 45L (3 shelves)

SV8 PI 90 140 C (3 shelves) Open

SV8 PI 60 140 C (2 shelves) Open

SV8 PI 60 140 C GD (2 shelves) Closed

SV8 PI 60 140 C GD (3 shelves) Closed

SV8 PI 60 140 C (3 shelves) Open

SV8 PI 60 140 FC GD_Freezer_Closed

SV8 PI 90 140 C (2 shelves) Open

SV8 PI 120 140 C GD (2 shelves) Closed

SV8 PI 90 140 C GD (3 shelves) Closed

SV8 PI 90 140 C GD (2 shelves) Closed

SV8 PI 120 140 C (2 shelves) Open

SV8 120 140 C GD 45R (3 shelves)

SV8 120 140 C GD 45L

SV8 120 140 C GD 45R

120 140 C GD 45L (3 shelves)

SV8 PI 90 140 C (3 shelves) Open



Dairy products.jpg

Dairy products





IV Gama.jpg

Pre-packed fruit and vegetables

Frozen food and ice cream.jpg

Frozen Food and Ice cream

Pesce Confezionato.jpg

Pre-packed fish

High efficiency fans.jpg

High efficiency fans

Hot gas defrosting.jpg

Hot-gas defrosting system

Incorporated condensing unit.jpg

Incorporated condensing unit

Led lighting.jpg

LED lighting

Propane refrigerant gas (R290).jpg

Propane refrigerant gas (R290)



*Данные по классу энергетической эффективности (в соответствии с Регламентами ЕС 2019/2018 и 2019/2024) приведены для стандартных моделей с определенной конфигурацией и комплектацией. Данные основаны на имеющихся на момент публикации сведениях. Мы стараемся предоставить вам максимально точные данные, но поскольку класс энергоэффективности зависит от конфигурации оборудования, реальные параметры могут значительно отличатся от приведенных здесь данных. Дополнительную информацию по энергетической маркировке см. в Европейском реестре продуктов (EPREL) или обратитесь в наш отдел продаж.